Original Resolution: 1333x1867 What Are The Best Paid Jobs In The Uk 2020 Statistics Junior designer jobs in the fashion industry? 400x229 - Junior fashion designer average salary is $44,801, median salary is $45,000 with a salary range from $41,205 to $50,000.
Original Resolution: 400x229 Career As Costume Designer How To Become Courses Job Profile Salary Scope Fashion designers typically enter the industry as design assistants and make low wages (roughly $15,000 annually) before moving onto junior level designers after one to three. 638x479 - See the career profile for employment projections, education, salary data and more.
Original Resolution: 638x479 Fashion Designer Salary Per Month Fashion Slap Brexit could widen skills gaps, as european nationals who do not meet a certain salary threshold may not be able to live and work in the uk in the future.